My Story in a nutshell

I was born in 1996, I grew up in Dordrecht, The Netherlands. I got two older brothers. I have loved computers ever since I was 8 years old. I've always enjoyed writing code and seeing what it would do and this led me to pursue computer science. I studied Computer engineering before this but I didn't like working with the hardware so I quit and thats how I ended up to be a Software Engineering student.

Personal/Professional attributes

I'm a very ambitious person who is trying to learn as much interesting stuff as possible like Machine Learning, Game Development and a lot more interesting technologies. Currently I am doing research into algorithmic cryptocurrency trading with the help of Machine Learning. Its a complex subject, but I am sure I will learn a lot from it.

  • android
  • Crypto
  • Communication skills and connected developement
  • Database
  • Version control
  • coding
  • Github
  • git
  • University
  • linux
  • Low-vision
  • stack-overflow

My interest and Future

I have a few hobbies/interests, first of all I love to play the piano, I've been playing ever since I was 6 years old and I still play to this day. I practiced Judo and Karate for years ever since I was a little boy. I also used to swim a lot as a child, I got all possible diploma's available and I used to play football with one of my brothers.

I want to travel the world and practice my profession in a lot of different countries. My interests lie in Machine Learning and AI also Game developement is very interesting as well.

I hope I can find a job that allows me to learn while working and at the same time allows me to see a lot of the world and meet a lot of new wonderful people.

Why Software Engineering

I love working with different technologies in the IT world. I like helping people make their vision come true and help maintain their dreams.

I also appreciate the possibility of moving around the world and still being able to find a good job allowing you to see different countries and experience a huge variety of cultural diversity.


I've completed a few Projects so far and I'm working on a few at the moment as well. In this section I will highlight a few of my projects

  • A Game in Python with PyGame
  • Data visualization App
  • A ToDo app for Android
  • A Webshop in ASP.NET MVCand ReactJS
  • A Facial Recognition system designed for the hospitality sector
  • A NotePatternAnalyzer app writtin in Java, making use of HMM's
  • An MMO Called Quest For Redemption
  • Sentiment Analysis on Twitter datasets with traditional ML and Deep learning approaches
  • Algorithmic Crypto trading with ML


This was my first project in the first year of my studies, I worked in a team of 4 others. Everyone made their own little minigame. Writtin in Python with PyGame it was a very fun project where I learned how to manage code with Git and a few of the basics of coding.

Data Visualization App

In this project we had to make an application that vizualized data. We decided to make an app that could show all points of interest with help of the Google Places API We stored the API data locally and was refreshed after every search. This was my first time working with an API and it was pretty fun, I learned how to call an API and how to store/process that data.

ToDo App

This was our 4th project and this was a pretty fun one, we were instructed to make an Android App, we decided on a scheduling app. We used Android Studio as an IDE and we wrote the App in Dart with the Flutter Framework. In this project I learned how to Prototype quickly and Flutter really supports this way of testing. I also got a better grasp on how you should actually structure your code for better readability and cleanliness.

Student WebShop

This project was really interesting because I was working with a lot of technologies I never worked with. My team and I were working with ASP.NET MVC , PostgreSQL and ReactJS. I also learned how to scrape data from websites and how to design well thought out databases with scalabilityin mind. I mostly worked on the Back-end so controllers, databse design and stuff like that.

Quest for Redemption

With a few friends I made during the Game Design & Development minor we started work on quest for redemption. The goal was to create a P2P MMO. It was a very ambitious project but we made good strides. The team quickly expanded and we regularly made devlogs and published them on the studio's Youtube Channel. I have since left the project since I lost motivation for the project due to the direction it took and other reasons. I did learn a lot over the 5 months I worked on the game though.

Minor AI

First Half

During this Minor periode I chose for the AI track
During the first half my teammate and I worked together with Roel Bakker on a Implementation of a well-known paper trying to intergrate ODE (ordinary differential equations) into neural nets.
Sadly, due to personal reasons Roel decided to leave the university and so my collegue and I needed to find another project to sink our teeth into.

Second Half

During the second half of our Minor my teammate and I worked under the guidance of Tony Busker to realize a Twitter Sentiment Analysis App, working with a collection of tweets on different subjects and returning the sentiment of said collection. This NLP application was realized in a traditional Machine Learning solution and a more advanced Deep learning solution. The DNN we designed made use of the LSTM architecture. We also made use of GloVe as another approach to the traditional Word2Vec approach.

Minor Game Design & Development

A Boid's Life

During this minor we made two games, one mobile and one 3D game. Our first game was called A Boid's life I was an artist on this project, which was a major challenge for me since I don't have an art background at all. I also composed the dynamic soundtrack. This was a lot of fun, I have a lot of experience with music so I took up the challenge and the soundtrack turned out awesome. Check it out here! I'm very proud of this OST since I only made it in a day with no prior knowledge on digital composing. I used Fruity Loops as my DAW and a lot of Spitfire VSTs.

Live Inc.

During the second half of this minor me and 15 other people worked on a game called Live Inc., which is a 2v2 online co-op game. You can check it out on Steam. This was a fun project to work on since we got to work on a 3D game that we were actually going to publish on Steam. I was part of a 6 man strong Dev team. I learned a lot about optimizing code and writing more object oriented.
This project made me want to make more games. After this project, me and a few friends from the minor went out to create an entirely different game called Quest For Redemption But you can read about that in the projects section.


You can always reach me @ My socials
Check out my links to the right

Curriculum Vitae


I've worked With

  • Java - MK
  • MySQL - IK
  • C# - IK
  • PHP - MK
  • Python - IK
  • R - IK
MK = minor knowledge
IK = intermediate Knowledge
AK = Advanced Knowledge

Employment History

  • Google Advertising 2011-2012
  • Rivas Zorg 2014-2015
  • Music Score Writer 2016-Present
  • R&D Software enigneer intern @ JB Systems Sept 2019 - Feb 2020
  • AI Software engineer intern @ Maistering Feb 2021 - July 2021

Educational History

  • University 1st year Computer engineering
  • University Software Engineering
  • Future